(1) This course is required for personnel with responsibility or authority to decide on the specific maintenance of traffic requirements to be implemented. These positions include the following:
(a) The engineer responsible for the work zone traffic control plan development;
(b) The work zone traffic control supervisor.
This course is not required for submitting Traffic Control Plans for utility work, unless such persons have to sign and seal the Traffic Control Plans in accordance with the UAM.
Twenty hours of classroom instruction on the Design Standards, MUTCD, Florida’s Plans Preparation Manual (FPPM), Florida’s Construction Project Administration Manual (FCPAM), and Florida’s Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction (FSSRBC). The minimum advanced training classroom and field MOT review areas to be covered shall be an in-depth and comprehensive review of Part 6 of the MUTCD and Design Standards (Index 600 series), FPPM (Vol. I, Ch. 10, & Vol. II Ch. 19), FCPAM Ch.9, FSSRBC (Sections 8-4, 8-6.1, 102), design exercises and problem solving of MOT on traffic control plans. Participating in design work samples of rural multilane, urban multi-lane, interstate, high volume multi-access urban multi-lane, and traffic control plan exercises that include the design of an MOT traffic plan (that requires special treatment not covered in the MUTCD or the Design Standards) and plan exercises that contain dysfunctional elements that require problem solving is required. Flagging operations shall be covered in enough detail that a person who successfully completes this course is capable of providing basic training as described above. A written test with at least 30 questions on traffic control devices, 30 questions on the minimum design standards for traffic control on the State Highway System.